Sound and more Sound

Hello readers and/or fellow classmates!

This week I’ll be talking about the sound effects for the game and how I’ve been working on how to implement several sound effects into every needed category within the game.
So I got music up and working last week and what I’ve been working on this week (which took way more time then it should because I’ve been sick most of the week) is implementing callouts of different sound effects, allowing me to keep sound in a separate category.

So let’s investigate a bit deeper into this and explain more into depth what I mean, so basically it’s like this, I want to simplify the rest of the code so when someone want to call out Laser Beam Sound Effect in the code and it’ll be done, but now you might say to me wait hold your horses, this is really easy and should take you 3-5 minutes to fix. It’s a simple pointer or reference to the point of code you want and you’re done, well yes I’d agree but however 95% of my time was not writing code but debugging.

So what have I debugging, what error could possible (despite being sick) take more part of the week to solve, well one of the early builds of our game when i prototyped sound and when it was supposed to be played (by pressing “w”) it started lagging something god awful. However that issue has been put aside and fixed ( it had nothing to do with music) so utilizing a newer and more fresh build of our game made music work fine.

But alas it wasn’t so easy whenever I moved music away from main it seized working when put into it’s own sound manager so I could just call out for the specific sound buffer it didn’t do, the fix was leaving it where it was needed (and adding some pieces of code was luckily all that was needed.). However references nor pointers will work for me at the current state and it’s been an issue, I’ve got to resolve until this day, however I’ll meet up with my group tomorrow and see if there’s any progress to be made resolving this issue.

So visual studio doesn’t want to load effects or music when put into a different category, but for now all the sound effects was put into a the files were they needed to played and their own soundbuffer like this; and you play the wanted sound effect, yeah it’s been a rough week specially since I’ve been dealing with a fever and these issues bothering me all through the week as I’ve been struggling to resolve it.

Hopefully next week’s blog will be less about pew pew pew and more about how sound is working and this issue is silly and I’ve made something real cool instead.

Thanks for reading.
Baein out!.108gaj

2 thoughts on “Sound and more Sound

  1. Hello Peter!

    First of I have to say that your English is not the best that I’ve seen, unfortunately. Your entire second paragraph is illegible on top of being nonsensical and you’re mixing phrases and idioms haphazardly without a proper understanding on what they mean. “so simply basic is like this” is redundant, grammatically incorrect, and makes no logical sense whatsoever. Your second paragraph also only consists of two sentences, one of which is four and a half lines long and is separated by three commas. That four and a half line long sentence should have been two, possibly even three sentences instead.

    As for the content of your blog you have described what you did and why, but there is very little on the how. Since I am in charge of sound implementation on my team and my sound code is bugged to all hell I would have found it very helpful if you had detailed what was causing your issues and how you went about to resolve them. Unfortunately all you wrote on this subject, from what I was able to discern from your previously mentioned mess of a blog post, was effectively “I just needed to ad some code and it worked”, which is unhelpful to say the least.

    Oh, and drop the memes. They’re pointless, irrelevant, and make you look childish, especially if you use old dead ones like doge.

    Good luck on fixing your code, fellow music man!


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